We offer FREE FedEx Priority Overnight shipping on domestic purchases and returns. All FedEx
deliveries require a signature upon receipt and are fully insured for the full retail value. Our insurance requires that someone must be at your address to sign for the package on the delivery date designated. If there is any deviation from these delivery guidelines, there is no insurance coverage. Your package will be sealed with brown tape around the flap closures. Please closely examine the package upon receipt. If there appears to be any sign of tampering, do not accept the package and contact us immediately.
We also offer free USPS Express shipping if your address is not accessible via
FedEx delivery. International shipments have a $110 flat rate for shipping and returns. For all orders over $100,000 shipping and returns will be priced based on total value and destination.
You may return your online purchase for a full refund, for any reason, within 10 days of the date you receive it. Please contact us for return instructions and a free, fully insured return shipping label.
We ship almost all international packages via FedEx International Priority. There is a flat rate of $110 for all International shipments. Shipping charges will apply to all international purchases and returns. We are not able to ship to all locations due to limitations on insurance value and customs procedures. We are not responsible for any local customs or duties you may incur upon delivery. Please inquire with your local customs office so you are aware of all charges that may be applied to this transaction as each country is different.
When you’re past “yes” but need something for “I do,” we’ve got you covered. Our collection includes both estate and vintage wedding bands, and our own line of vintage-style bands designed to coordinate perfectly with the shapes and styles of antique and vintage engagement rings. They also make great stackers!
We know that finding vintage wedding bands to match antique or vintage engagement rings can be tricky—and that’s just the kind of challenge we love! In our cases you’ll find the best selection of wedding bands in San Francisco chosen especially to go with the styles of past eras. We’ve even designed a Lang Collection of vintage-inspired wedding bands. Our vintage and antique wedding bands also make excellent stacking or right-hand rings and have an understated elegance when worn alone. Need help choosing your band? We are experts at pairing wedding bands with vintage engagement rings of every variety.