- Shinn & Ball
Country City Newark NJ
Era c.1922
- Sinnock & Sherrill
Country City New York NY
Era c.1934
- Six Michaelson Bros., The
Country City Cincinnati OH
Symbol ring
Era c.1922
- Sloan & Co.
Country City New York NY, Newark NJ
Symbol clef, lyre, squiggle
Era c.1915, c.1934, e.1896, c.1943
- Smith, Geo. J. & Co.
Country City New York NY
Symbol banner, crest, shield, wings
Shape crest, shield
Era c.1896
- Smith, Patterson Co., LTD., The
Country City Montreal QC
Symbol arrow, circle, line
Shape circle
Era c.1922
- Spier & Forsheim
Country City New York NY
Symbol axe, fleur de lis, tool
Era c.1896
- Steinau Jewelry Co.
Country City Cincinnati OH
Symbol banner
Era c.1896
- Street & Sons Inc., George O.
Country City New York NY
Symbol cartouche, circle, frame, oval
Shape cartouche, circle, frame, oval
Era c.1896 c.1934 c.1950
- Sundlun Jewelry Co., The
Country City Washington DC
Symbol cartouche, frame, rectangle
Shape cartouche, frame, rectangle
Era c.1934
- Sweet Mfg. Co.
Country City Attleboro MA
Era c.1934
- Taylor & Co. Inc.
Country City Newark NJ
Era c.1922, c.1934
- Tegtmeyer, Archie
Country City Milwaukee WI
Symbol diamond, triangle
Shape diamond, triangle
Era c.1922
- Thoma, Philipp
Country City New York NY
Era c.1896
- Turner & Sons, Hammond
Country City Birmingham
Symbol animal, banner, lion, ribbon
Era c.1915, c.1922
- Vossel Co., Wm. J.
Country City Chicago IL
Era c.1934, c.1943