Georgian Jewelry

Georgian Jewelry

The earliest pieces in our collection feature the soft glow of beautiful rose-cut diamonds, originally designed to reflect the candlelight of 18th century parlors. With garnets, topaz, pearls, and other foil-backed stones in elegant, delicate settings, Georgian jewels are especially prized by collectors for their history and longevity.


25 Items

25 Items

The allure of Georgian jewelry hasn’t dimmed over the centuries. A Georgian diamond ring, especially one featuring romantic rose-cut stones, perfectly captures the beauty and grace of antique design. The gemstones in Georgian rings were frequently foil-backed to enhance their shine. If you’re seeking a Georgian engagement ring, we have some lovely original examples, as well as more recent creations made in faithful homage to the Georgian style that are often more practical for everyday wear. Browsing though our Georgian collection is a crash course in jewelry history!
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