Gems, Minerals & Rocks
Wondering what the difference is between a gem and a mineral or a gem and a rock? Why do some stones end up in the jewelry we love and cherish and others do not? Most gems, minerals, and rocks evolve through various processes over time and some involve plants, animals, or mollusks. Let’s face it, a plethora of possible jewels are provided on this rock we call Earth so that we may adorn ourselves to our heart’s content. Choose from the Gems, Minerals, & Rocks pictorial glossary below to probe the whys and wherefores of mother nature’s geological creations.
Terms & Definitions
Alexandrite is a variety of chrysoberyl with a distinct change of color when viewed in incandescent and fluorescent light. The colors that alexandrite occurs in depend on its geographical source...
The name, Andalusite, is an homage to the city of Andalusia, Spain. Gem-quality examples of this mineral species are somewhat rare. Running the gamut from transparent to opaque, these highly...
Aquamarine is the blue variety of the mineral beryl. Most natural aquamarine is a pale bluish-green, which was the preferred color before 1900. Today it is routinely heat treated to...