Agates have long been attributed with the ability to aid in love, wealth, good luck, longevity, courage, protection and healing, balance, harmony, generosity, strength, security, and the appreciation of nature. Agates are stable and grounding and help one discover their natural talents.
Agates foster precision. They are useful talismans for accountants and bankers.

Alexandrite is often associated with luck and prosperity. It is said that Alexandrite has the ability to provide aid for problems with the nervous system, spleen, pancreas & testicles. Alexandrite has been associated with several mystical properties, including reinforcing one’s self-esteem and balancing positive and negative energy.

Since prehistoric times amber has been used for many medicinal and talismanic purposes. The ancient Greeks attributed amber with powers that could cure deafness (when mixed with rose oil and honey) and improve eyesight (when mixed with honey alone) while in ancient Rome the gem was worn to prevent insanity. The fossilized resin gives off a pine tree aroma when burned and in ancient Egypt as well as in India, amber was used as an incense to purify the surrounding area. In Chinese amber is translated to “the soul of the tiger” from their ancient belief that amber was the spirit of a tiger. Due to the belief that amber could impede the transmission of diseases, it was widely used as stem-pieces for cigarette holders and pipes. Legend also holds that amber can heighten creativity and that it possesses radiant energy which confers wisdom and knowledge to the wearer along with an ability to draw out negative energy, purifying the heart and spirit.

Amethyst has always been linked to the thinking process, ensuring clarity of vision and emotional stability. It is a meditative and calming stone. Amethysts have been attributed with the ability to provide a sedative energy fostering calm, balance, patience, and peace. New Age metaphysicians still believe in amethyst’s powers to rid addictions and compulsive behaviors of all kinds.

Aquamarine is thought to be a stone of courage. It can be used to alleviate fears and phobias. Aquas can help keep you on track to meet your goals and guarantee your success. It releases anxiety and can combat depression. Aquamarine is an excellent stone to aid in communication, as it stimulates the throat chakra. It is excellent for public speakers. Aqua promotes safe travel on water and helps one get in touch with the natural spirits of the sea. Physically, new age mystics have attributed aquamarine with the ability to help with ailments of the throat, mouth, ears, breathing allergies, spleen, heart, immune system, thymus, and lymph nodes.

Beryl is metaphysically attributed to the ability to cure a number of intestinal and stomach ills, such as nausea, obesity, ulcers, and seasickness. It also is credited with increasing resistance to toxins and pollutants. It is a gem of the crown chakra.

Chrysoberyl has been attributed with great power. It has been used to balance energies and foster meditation. Chrysoberyl has long been thought to aid with problems of the eyes and protect against the “evil” eye. It fosters improved relationships with your neighbors. In Arabic tradition, it’s believed that the chrysoberyl could make the wearer invisible in battle.

Citrine has been credited with aiding in the cure of jaundice, urinary tract infections, and kidney ailments. It is believed to aid the heart, kidneys, liver, and muscles. The chakra-based interpretation views citrine as uplifting, bright, energizing, and inspirational. It encourages the free flow of Chi and activates and inspires intuition. It promotes creativity while eliminating self-destructive behavior.

Red coral is a stone of passion and attracts love and prosperity. Coral fosters creativity and optimism and brings inner peace. Metaphysically, coral is used for general healing, with an emphasis on blood and the circulatory system.

As a talisman, the most powerful diamonds were thought to be naturally occurring octahedrons of exceptional clarity that exhibited fire. These diamonds would bring the owner wealth, power, good fortune, and everlasting youth. It was believed that flawed or inclusive stones could have quite the opposite effect.
Diamond is a stone that bonds relationships and enhances love. It is considered to be a master healer. Diamonds foster longevity, particularly with regard to relationships. Diamonds can increase balance, clarity, stability, and abundance.
It is the stone of the crown chakra.

Crystal mystics continue to ascribe emerald with the ability to aid in curing problems with eyesight. In addition, it is considered to fortify the heart and detoxifies the blood. It is a talisman for all members of the healing professions: Doctors, Nurses, Ambulance, Counselors, Psychiatrists, etc.
Emerald is a stone of prosperity and riches, not just materially, but also spiritually. It is a stone of intelligence and communication, intuition, clairvoyance, sensuality, love, romance, beauty, harmony, and tranquility.
Emerald is a stone of the heart chakra.

Garnet helps with motivation and is known as the stone for a successful business. It makes a wonderful executive gem, particularly for women.
In addition, garnets foster passion and courage. They help stimulate devotion to your family and friends, while also helping to focus on goals. Garnet can stimulate the senses, and increase your stamina and vitality.
It is a gem of the base chakra and awakens the Kundalini.

Jadeite is associated with Gemini, Aries and Libra, and is believed to strengthen the kidneys, heart and immune system. It balances emotions, increases fertility, dispels negativity, and fosters courage and wisdom. Green jade is famous for producing vivid and accurate dreams when placed under a pillow.
Jade is associated with the heart chakra.

Moonstone is a stone of wishes, insight, intuition, and balance. It is often considered a feminine stone, but it can aid both men and women in fostering gentleness and empathy. In eastern cultures, it was believed that carrying a moonstone would bring love into your life. Fertility properties are attributed to the stone and it is believed that moonstone protects travelers, especially on water.

Nephrite fosters emotional balance and stability. It aids in all matters of the heart. Nephrite is a protective stone, especially beneficial to children, as it guards against illness and brings about “psychic” protection.
Physically, nephrite jade is used in the crystal healing of problems with the physical heart and kidneys.
Nephrite jade is a stone of the heart chakra.

Onyx is considered to be a very spiritual stone. New Age Crystal Mystics view onyx as a grounding stone strengthening their connection with the earth during meditation or providing guidance with astral travel. The black and white colors of onyx balance the Yin and Yang.
Physically, onyx has been attributed with strengthening the immune system, and improving the condition of skin, nails, and hair. It has long been associated with improving problems with the pancreas.

Opal is thought to be a gem of inspiration. It fosters creativity and enhances one’s imagination. Opals have been used to eliminate nightmares and bring about happy dreams. It is also known to sharpen memory.
Crystal mystics favor opals to help eyesight and aid with Parkinson’s disease.
Opal is one of nature’s most stunning contributions to the world of gemstones. A unique composition of microscopic cristobalite spheres arranged in layers within an amorphous hydrous silica jelly comprises opal’s unique crystal habit. Light refracted by these spheres, in some varieties, creates an amazing array of vivid colors referred to as play-of-color. This play-of-color is what makes opal such a beautiful and desirable gem.

Pearls can attune the wearer to the ebb and flow of life. They are calming and centering. Pearls promote purity, faith, charity, personal integrity, truth and loyalty. Peals have always been associated with “ultimate” feminine energy.
Pearls have routinely been used to treat disorders of the muscular systems and digestive tract, as well as to assist in problems with fertility and to relieve discomfort in childbirth.

Quartz is metaphysically the most powerful of all crystals. It is used for protection against all negative energy. Quartz is a great healing tool, fortifying and strengthening all systems of the body and drawing out pain. It is particularly effective for chronic fatigue, arthritis, bone injuries, depression, fibromyalgia, and intestinal troubles.
Quartz is a channeler and is extremely beneficial in amplifying energy, inspiration, creativity, concentration, and meditation.
Quartz is a stone of the crown chakra and aids the third eye in clarity of psychic vision.

Tanzanite is a recent discovery, so it has little metaphysical history. Its color associates it with the throat, crown, and third eye chakras. It fosters both communication and psychic powers.

Tourmaline was declared a stone of the Muses, inspiring and enriching the creative processes. It was a talisman for actors, artists and writers. Its pyroelectric properties foster amplification of psychic energy and dispel negative energies.
All colors of tourmaline are associated with the sign of Gemini, and therefore tourmaline is a primary birthstone of the month of October, alternating with opal.

Turquoise has always been used as a protective stone. It is viewed as a master healer, emanating an energy that dispels negativity. In addition, it acts to induce wisdom and understanding. Turquoise can enhance trust, kindness, and the recognition of beauty.
Turquoise has been used to strengthen and align all chakras, although it primarily stimulates the throat, heart and naval chakras.

Zircon has been known as “a stone of virtue”. It can bring one’s virtuous nature back into balance with universal forces. Zircons have also been symbols of innocence, purity and constancy.
New Age Healers have used zircons in the treatment of disorders of the sciatic nerve and other ailments of the spine.